Tuesday 1 August 2017

New Blog for a new chapter!

Well, I am back writing about my life in more detail 😊

This is just a quick post to say hello again. If you don't already know me, I am Elisa. I am 31 years old living in Dublin, Ireland. I spent 2016 living in Australia after leaving my finance career to become a trainer in fitness and by the end of 2017, a teacher of yoga! 🙏 I also left my boyfriend, family and friends. A blog post will be uploaded about my experience in more detail 😉

Within this yummy forum, I hope to bring you on a journey of new beginnings into owning a business, building a career from the bottom up and living life in my 30's!!! 😍 Anything I learn along the way, I will share with you to hopefully inspire you to follow dreams no matter how high the mountain may seem!

I want to bring you on any ups & downs, my yoga teacher training thus far, becoming an entrepreneur and lots more.

So please subscribe by entering your email address in the top right hand corner of the blog and you will be sent email notification once I post new content.

I am excited to begin this new chapter with you all!

Love & Light,


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