Wednesday 30 August 2017

To coffee or not to coffee...

Quite the controversial topic amongst society.

Disclaimer: I am not a nutritionist or any type of doctor. I am simply a girl who has a love/hate relationship with coffee and want to show you the good and the bad through my own experience and a little amount of research. No fancy smancy data! 😊

Do you drink coffee?
And if so, why? For alertness? The taste? Both?

My story:

I have been on the fence, off the fence, and back on the fence about coffee. I only had my first coffee in 2014 on my way to Nice, France with a friend for a girlie weekend. We were in Dublin airport and she was like, ah go on have one, you'll love it  (Hi Maria 😉).
So I first tasted it through a Mocha. Hot chocolate mixed with coffee. It was so tasty!
When we arrived I jumped right in and had an espresso because I am mad like that. I was wired 😂

I am now back off caffeine 9 days (First time I stopped drinking it was last year for about 4 weeks). The first 3 days were ROUGH. Like I even took a headache tablet which I HATE TAKING to help me through.

But I am past that and I feel great.

Why did I stop? I hate being dependent on anything. And I really hated that my mind felt I needed caffeine to get through the day or a gym session. I am heading down a more holistic path in life and being addicted to caffeine isn't what I want. But being addicted to dark chocolate is another post haha! Also I have anxiety, severe anxiety a few years ago and I still have it without caffeine BUT it has calmed down. 🌸

So far so good....

I have less anxiety (heart racing and excess worrying)

I have more energy. With this I mean I don't feel I need to go reach for a coffee or sugar to give me an energy boost. I feel my energy is more balanced. I even went to the gym today caffeine free 😊

I wake up in the morning feeling fresher than before 100%

So why does coffee have such a profound impact on us and our health good and bad ?

It is known as the most addictive legal substance/drug on the planet!
(Did nobody rate chocolate? Nom Nom) 😍

Lets find out more about this addictive substance (or is it):

  • Caffeine is found in coffee, tea, soda drinks and other produce and pills. 
  • It is a psychoactive drug.

💡 Did you know studies have shown that taking caffeine out of schizophrenic helped reduce their anxiety, irritability and hostility.

  • It tricks your brain into thinking you are not tired. How? By stimulating the nerve cells in your brain rather than allowing them to relax and become calm/sleepy.
  • It increases your heart rate, blood pressure, alertness and delays the onset of fatigue. (Hence the increase in anxiety. Heightened awareness along with increased heart rate)
  • The alertness it gives you is a artificial brain chemistry bond (basically fake energy)
  • It peaks in your bloodstream 30 minutes after you drink it and can last up to 6 hours
  •  Doctors recommend an average daily consumption of 300mg.
  • You would have to drink nearly 6 to 7 grams of it to overdose (depending on body weight)

It is not an addictive substance like smoking or cocaine. It is a dedicated habit so that is the good news. It's possible to stop drinking it and feel fine but you will go through a few hard days at first (like I did) And then feel brand new!

The Good

Some health benefits from caffeine are:

  • Full of antioxidants
  • Some vitamins & minerals (B2, B5, Calcium, magnesium)
  • Amino Acids
  • Plant Compound

But what are the health implications of this tasty beverage?

The Bad

  • Caffeine increases the stress hormone in your body so if you already struggle with anxiety then you really shouldn't be adding to your stress levels! Cut down, give it up, drink decaf!
*I went to a nutritionist in Australia who gave me the same advice regarding my anxiety levels and they dramatically reduced when I restricted my caffeine intake*
  • Aggravates IBS and other bowel disorders 
  • Can cause over active bowels
  • Can lead to over active bladders and incontinence (not nice)

So if you notice that after your coffee or caffeinated drink you are bursting to use the toilet, your stool is not right and you have cramps, it might be time to rethink your intake.

Does caffeine impact your flexibility?
(for the yogi's amongst us)

Yes it can. Caffeine dehydrates your body therefore the muscles.
So if you are going to continue to drink coffee, cut back a little and make sure to keep drinking water throughout the day. And introduce electrolyte drinks such as coconut water or Nuun Tablets.

Better yet, eat your water through delicious fruits and vegetables. Fresh produce works best as the body absorbs the water easier than when you drink it.

So be mindful that: 

Caffeine = Less Water = Sluggish Digestion = Stiffness & Pain

Lets wrap it up > To coffee or not to coffee? Your choice really!!

If you don't suffer with anxiety, sleep well and enjoy your caffeine then make sure to stay hydrated.

If you are like me and suffer with anxiety then don't add caffeine to the mix. It will only make things worse for you.

Totally your choice.

It can be a social drink when out for breakfast or lunch, nothing wrong with asking for a decaf (Decaf is known to have a slight amount of caffeine but progress over perfection right?)

Let me know your thoughts below or on social media 😄

Lots of energetic love,

Elisa x


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