Tuesday 10 October 2017

I got cupped! Week 1

Hold your horses, it's not as dirty as it sounds 😉

I am working along side Kevin McDermott, Co - owner, training coach and massage therapist at Compound Fitness in Dublin, to receive 6 weeks massage therapy called cupping.

(of course I went to find the most embarrassing photo of Kev.... I think this is on point 😂)

As well as giving you all the goss with this, we are giving away one free cupping session each week! So make sure you enter the giveaway via Instagram and Facebook. Both our links at the end of this post.

Before I tell you how I got on during my first session, here is Kev with some history and information about cupping, along with my beautiful back as the model 😋


This style was developed thousands of years ago and though the techniques have modernised, the original philosophy remains the same.

Cupping involves placing glass, bamboo or plastic jars on the skin and creating a vacuum by suctioning out the air. 

The underlying tissue is raised, or sucked, partway into the cup. 

The purpose of cupping is to enhance circulation, help relieve pain, remove "heat" and pull out the toxins that linger in your body's tissues.

Fixed Cupping:
The cups are placed on a selected area of your body and then left in place without being moved.

Moving Cupping or Active Cupping:
The cup or cups are moved up and down along the muscles.

Most people with today’s lifestyles suffer from various pains like neck pain, back pain, rheumatism, migraines, and other muscular pains. 
By getting cupping therapy, you might find that the pain is easing more effectively as compared to using modern medications.

Cupping targets deep tissues by creating suction and lifting the skin over the muscles causing the blood vessels and capillaries to expand. 
As the area receives a fresh infusion of blood, it is flooded with nutrients and oxygen that work to heal the damage and injuries. 

In addition, the blood carries away the accumulation of toxins, dead cells, and other debris that may be hampering the healing process and causing pain. 

As a result of better blood circulation, the tensed muscles and stiff tissues relax
Not only is the discomfort alleviated but the patients also sense relaxation that helps lower stress levels.

Cupping Therapy helps tensed muscles relax and the improved blood flow will help give you relief from anxiety and stress.

·       Cupping to Promote Healing from Injuries

After we suffer an injury our body will react by swelling the area. This is actually increasing the blood supply that will bring healing elements and components to the damaged tissue. As a result we tend to treat the injury by reducing swelling and taking medication before the body has fully healed itself. Cupping works to cause inflammation in the tissues by drawing blood to the tissues and restarting the healing process.

So to summarise, the benefits of cupping are:
  • Pain relief
  • Promote relaxation 
  • Increase circulation
  • Increase oxygenation and tissue delivery
  • To cause micro trauma and beneficial inflammation
  • To stretch fascia and connective tissue
  • Loosen up muscles
  • Improve digestion
  • Increase detoxification
  • Decrease cellulite

Side Effects

I wouldn’t classify the cupping marks as bruises. The discolouration produced after cupping can be a result of build-up of toxins brought to the surface, stagnation, previous injuries, or lactic acid produced by the muscles. Redness and itching can occur due to the inflammation brought to the surface. The side effects of cupping are fairly mild. Bruising should be expected, but skin should return to looking normal within 10 days.

(The day of cupping)

My Experience

I was super pumped to get involved in this collab. Anything to help improve my circulation and tension. As much as I want to foam roll and have epsom salt baths every day, it just doesn't happen. 

So we began with my upper back per my request. I was due to be in yoga teacher training all weekend, I needed the use of my limbs 😂 As I have never really gone through cupping before, I wasn't sure if I would feel pain after.

Some of the tools used during Kev's sessions look scarier than they are. Hello table of torture 😀

But then you look around and see some essential oils and a buddha, it can't be all THAT bad?

You will book in for an hour session with a little chat before hand. 

Kev will begin to heat up the area through a normal massage before using the cups.
The sensation of the cups isn't unpleasant. It can slightly sting initially but it fades pretty quickly. Mine were left on for about 10 to 15 minutes. After taking them off Kev can see the spots that need more work.

You can see on my back in the picture above, my traps (shoulder area) and along my spine have the most tightness. And I knew that going in. I sometimes roll my back with a peanut ball and can feel the tightness. I also have a lot of tightness along my left lat too.  So the darker areas are the places that need a little extra tension release.

He will then continue to do some extra work through sports massage.

The cupping wasn't painful but like any massage, there is discomfort where there is tension being worked on. I may have said the odd "Oh my god" but I am pretty good with my breath. If I feel a tough one coming up I will tap into my deep breath! So I advise you try the same. 

Holding your breath will only cause more stress and strain in your body. The whole point is to relax into it and allow your muscles to relax. So use your breath along with Kevs techniques to get the most out of your experience 😊 Exhale as much as you can while the pressure is being applied. It REALLY helps I promise.

The verdict, well it's 3 days since I've had it done. My back feels great. I have less crackling on my left side that I had before and I do feel overall, more free in my upper back. It has definitely made a difference.

The colour has faded now to a yellow bruise. So plan your outfits around the area you are getting worked on haha!

My second appointment is this week and we are focusing on my legs, to say they are tight is a understatement so hold tight for a very interesting read next week 😬

Competition Time 🙌

As mentioned above, we have one free session with Kev to give away each week. 

The entries will be collected from both of our social media platforms, put into an list and a winner will be selected at random every Friday! 

What do you have to do to enter?

Simply like our post, follow our social media platforms and tag a friend. That is all. Your comment will be your entry but you can't keep tagging the same person over & over.

I will be going through the lists and will take out any duplicate tags 😛 (but you can tag different people which will be a new entry for you.... get it?)

Kev's office is located in Coolock, North Dublin.

Good luck!!!!

4 ways to enter:

Look forward to sharing my leg session experience with you next week 👀

Let me know below or through our social media platforms if you have had cupping done before and what you got from it!!

Elisa x

1 comment:

  1. Very cool!! Maybe I'll give it a go, too! I've been very curious about cupping for a few years now but never really looked into it. Wish I could enter the competition from NZ haha.
