Wednesday 15 November 2017

Wonder Wednesday Ep.03

This weeks random questions & answers 😍

Does space (as in the universe kinda space) have any sound?

I didn't expect to get much from this question but I was pleasantly surprised!!!

Nasa has captured sounds from space that our human ears can listen to!! It is kinda of eery and very much like a horror movie if you close your eyes.

Pretty cool though. All that energy in space! And no words, no nagging, no moaning....
no wonder they call up there heaven 😂

Take a look at this YouTube link to hear some of the sounds:

The Eerie Sounds of Space

The difference between the left and right side of the brain?

Where do you think you lack? I have never remembered the difference between the two sides (I have a terrible memory both short & long!) Maybe I was dropped on my head as a baby....

The right side controls the muscles on the left side of your body while the left side controls the muscles on the right side....

This is pretty cool & disturbing > when you wink, your right eye winks but its the left side of your brain doing the work. Eh what?

The left side is in control of language and speech. I wonder does all this technology make the left side more lazy? Like I definitely have issues and a bit of social anxiety around holding conversations with others. And I blame texting on that. We were all so caught up in texting 24/7, we forgot how to have a normal human interaction like speaking to eachother, in person. Anywho some extra food for thought!

This leads me into my next question!

Alternate nostril breathing. 
How does it help clear the left & right side of the brain?

In yoga, one of our pranayama (breathing) techniques is called Nadi Shodhana aka alternate nostril breathing.

Nadi = are channels of energy that run through our body
Shodhana = purification

So purifying the human body through energy & our life force, our breath.

It is know to calm the mind pretty quickly. I can attest to that. If I am feeling frazzled I have started using this technique randomly during my day. You don't need to make it a big deal. No meditation cushion or a million candles. Simple close your eyes and observe your breath.

How to practice this breathing:

Using your right hand - you place your index and middle finger on your third eye (between your eyebrows), thumb hovers over right nostril and ring finger hovers over left.

Exhale fully to begin,
Close off right nostril and breathe in through the left for 4, hold, close off left nostril, open right and exhale for 4.
Inhale through right nostril for 4, hold, close right nostril, open left nostril and exhale for 4.

It should always be gentle and treated with ease. No need to force an exhale.

What I explained is one round. In a class you may do up to 5 rounds.

Sure even Hillary Clinton practices it 😂

Adriene has a good video on it if you would like to try - link below:

What does it mean if one side of your nose is blocked? 

Nadis can get blocked due to stress, trauma, toxidity and an unhealthy lifestyle.

My left nostril can get blocked alot - this would mean the left side of my brain is under stress. And it actually makes sense if you look back at our brain picture.

I find it difficult to speak my truth, to speak out, to use the correct words for what I am trying to say = language.

I definitely find it hard sometimes to control my stress head and see the logical side to things when life gets too much = logic.

Believe it or not, it has improved ALOT. The more yoga I practice, the more time I spend focusing on the positives, the less blocked I feel.

We practiced this technique in class last night and I was 100% in my right nostril and maybe 80% in my left which shows improvement.

So give it a try. Practice this technique and let me know if you can link your blockage (if any) to the left or right side of your brain.

I think it's pretty fascinating 😊

That's all for this week. Comment below or reach out on social media.


Elisa ☆

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