Wednesday 16 August 2017

My Morning Routine

There will always be a challenge in finding a morning routine that works for you. Do you have enough time before work? Have you had enough sleep the night before? Do you have kids to get ready for school or who need your attention. We all have our own obstacles. But there are some benefits to having a morning ritual whether it be 10 minutes to an hour, every minute you spend on self love is important.

Apparently the first 10 minutes after you wake up are the most influential time on your subconscious mind and therefore perfect timing for a powerful routine 😍

My morning routine story:

I recently adopted Coco, my 3.5 year old Husky. She has become my everything. My life went on hold to settle her in to her new home & environment. But this was playing with my emotions. I missed my morning movement practice. I needed some 'ME' time. Whether it was yoga or a workout. So I spent July testing the waters with my own morning routine and this is what I came up with and it's working well for us both. Its my favourite time of the day and I get excited for it when I wake up.

My alarm is set for 6am but Coco tends to wake me with wet kisses before then 😊 Some days I love it, some days I want to curse at her!!

My routine:

1. Drink water

I keep a glass/water bottle beside my bed when I go to sleep at night. I drink this first thing in the morning to rehydrate my body and get my digestion system up and running

2. Feed Coco while I boil my water for coffee

We have our routine set well now, I feed Coco, she eats and trots back to bed for an hour. It works out well because she can't be walked after eating so this is when my 'me' time begins. I am a lover and hater of coffee. Still on the fence. I love to drink it but I know it can heighten anxiety which I don't need anymore of and it can disturb other functions.... but as I sit down in the mornings, I just LOVE to sip on a black coffee ☕

3. Read some good aul wisdom

This book was recommended to me by my nutritionist Brian. He's quite the life coach as well as a really mindful guy and has a solid morning routine himself!
It is a page for everyday of the year with some quotes and a paragraph explaining the quote giving you some nuggets of wisdom to bring into your day. I really love reading this first thing in the morning. Your brain begins to take a positive spin before your day has begun.

4. Read a Sutra a day (for yoga teacher training)

I take on one to two yoga sutras a day. I won't go in to what they are within this post but again, they give you food for thought that you can cultivate into your day to day life 😊 plus I'm getting some sneaky studying in at the same time!! Win Win.

5. Journalling

I love my 5 minute journal. I used to stress so much over journalling. Its always something I did as a child, but at this age I struggle to sit down with my thoughts and over active mind. I'd with with a journal and fill the thing with what goes through this head of mine, so the 5 minute journal is easier on my brain and less time consuming....

You fill out 3 things you are grateful for, what you want to happen that day and write yourself a little affirmation. Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy!!! It takes no time at all and helps you put thoughts to paper. Then in the evenings you can fill out a short piece on how your day went. I personally don't do this because if I've had a shitty day, I don't want to relive it before bed, so I fill this part in the next morning with a fresh head 😃

You can buy this journal from amazon or directly from the makers (awesome present for friends & family)

6. Movement

Whether it be yoga or exercise, I try to do something. Lately I've been leaning more towards yoga. One, because I am studying it but also because I just enjoy the feeling of waking up my body in a loving, calming yet strong way. Without any extras only my own body weight and breath. My go to online yogi is Adrienne Mishler and her YouTube channel is below. I am also a member of her site so I practice those videos too. I try to keep the yoga to 30 minutes.

Yoga With Adriene

And I do all this still in my Pj's! #Winning 😊

By now it's about an hour since I sat down on my yoga mat. Time to walk the pup and begin my day! I listen to podcasts on my walk. I will do a separate post on the ones I've been listening to 😊

So this is just MY routine because I have the time at the moment. Don't compare and don't stress if you can't do that same. When I begin my business, it may change. I will adapt to new circumstances and if it means going to bed a half an hour earlier to rise earlier, so be it. Because it's become so important that when I don't do it, I feel the difference.

My top 5 tips you can start including tomorrow:

1. Drink a glass of water upon wakening
2. Read a page of your book or some wisdom
3. Try avoid looking at your phone within the first 10 minutes. Turn the alarm off and put it back down
4. Try get outside, even if it's in your back garden with your cup of tea. Or open the back door to your kitchen. Allow the fresh air of a new day sweep in. And breath it in! Find gratitude!
5. Stretch, move, do 5 minutes of yoga. Get the juices flowing however you want.

Tim Ferris has a great podcast about this topic with some well known names. Its worth a listen on your walk when you get the chance. Below I will leave the link to this podcast along with the link to his 5 morning routines:

Tim Ferriss 5 morning routines Podcast

Tim Ferriss 5 Morning Routines Show Notes

I hope you enjoyed this view into my morning routine!

Once I sit on my mat I will upload any nuggets of wisdom I may come across on my Instagram stories, follow me if you would like to see them. And I am also on facebook too.

I do tend to avoid being on my phone tooooo much in the mornings but I get a whole half an hour between getting up and sitting on my mat to myself and Coco!!!

I'd love to hear your thoughts and opinions on any of these platforms. What is your morning routine that is just for you?

And as always,

Strive for progress, not perfection.

Elisa x

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