Monday 21 August 2017

Podcast list #1

For years I didn't know what a podcast was. I remember hearing people talk about it but I never thought to check it out. It wasn't until my year in Australia that I delved into the world of them. I would walk my friends dog Rosie everyday, and podcasts kept me entertained.

(I miss this messer 😊)

I listen to the same few podcasts on a regular basis. I need to broaden my horizons but there are only so many hours in the day. I reserve podcasts usually for Coco walks now 😍

Okay enough dog photos 😂

I used to listen to my podcasts in spotify but now I have an Iphone and I have been SERIOUSLY missing out on the podcast app. So I am currently listening through there and will start delving into other channels. So for now....

My top 5 podcasts at the moment:

This is the first podcast I began listening to over a year ago now. It is full of information regarding health & nutrition. Presented by Dr. Jesse Chappus and Marni Wasserman, they are Veggie/Vegans who have recently transitioned back to eating meat. Based in Canada, they are very easy to listen to. They have all sorts of guests, some you will like, some you will not like 😏 Sponsored by Sun Warrior and a few other brands, beware that ads for these products will pop up! I highly recommend listening to the episode regarding sugar!!! They also have a facebook group you can join which I love have popping up in my newsfeed!

This podcast is all things yoga and health and another one I found in Australia. Presented by Lucas Rockwood his voice is very soothing and I enjoy his outlook. Although some things may be controversial to others (like how he is not a fan of chanting or anything religious/spiritual in a yoga class) the information he provides along with his guests really excited me to study yoga around this time last year. He has an online store with some awesome yoga props and kits too. Definitely give it a go. 

This is an amazing podcast for budding entrepreneurs like myself. He interviews some of the top business men/women around the world. It is an inspiring listen to get you pumped up for life. Truly is. He is all about doing the best job in a short amount of time so he gives some great tips on morning routines, be productive, how to learn quicker and some health topics too. I absolutely love listening to one of these shows. I also love how long they are. Some can be well over an hour which will encourage you to talk your walking to the next level for a bit longer 😉

For the more spiritual yogi's out there, this podcast is a goodie. Presented by Brett Larkin, she delves into the deeper level of yoga. Speaking about the chakras, ayurveda (the sister lifestyle practice to yoga), doshas and lots more. I really enjoy this podcast in line with Yoga Body for a nice mix. Its a new one to me (recommended by a friend of mine in my yoga teacher training course) so I have only listened to a few episodes. Give it a go if you want to have a deeper understanding of what yoga truly means, aside from the physical aspects.

I love this podcast for randomness. Another podcast I found during my time in Australia. Presented by Chuck Bryant & Josh Clark, it is a really fun listen. They really talk about all sorts from science, history, nutrition, fads and things you wouldn't even think you needed to know 😂 I like the flow between the 2 guys. 

There are so many podcasts out there and just not enough hours to get through all the episodes. 

So get on your walking shoes, earphones in and stroll while being educated either through a light hearted discussion or a more deeper understanding of how stuff works.

I would LOVE to hear all about the podcasts you listen to so I can add them to my library 😻

You can chat below or continue this discussion over on my facebook page. Excited to hear about your experiences!

As always,

Strive for progress, not perfection.

Elisa x


  1. I like Tony Robbins and Lavendaire :) I listen to it on the commute to/from work

  2. Oh sounds great. I've never heard of Lavendaire!! I find Tony Robbins amazing but his voice is very intense :D

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