Wednesday 1 November 2017

Wonder Wednesday Ep.02

My curiosity this week has not been as active because I was in yoga teacher training 4 days straight but below are some questions that popped up. Maybe you will learn something new πŸ˜‰ I found my halloween research super fun and interesting...... So enjoy πŸ‘»

Where did Halloween and 'Trick or Treat' originate?

  • Halloween originates from Ireland (YES AMERICANS, you don't own it!!! haha) where 2,000 years ago the Celts believed the dead returned to earth on Samhain and celebrated by lighting fires and offering gifts
  • Samhain is believed to be the division of the lighter half and the darker half of the year, when the division of the this world and the other world was at it's thinnest (so spirits could pass through)
  • People wear costumes today like they wore 2,000 years ago (although I can't imagine they wore skimpy ann summers costumes back then πŸ˜‚) but the reasons are hugely different. 2,000 years ago they wore masks to hide from the evil spirits passing
  • When the Irish emigrated to America they brought this tradition with them and now it is one of the major holidays of the year
  • There are some signs in Ireland that Samhain was celebrated before the Celts up to 5000 years ago (it is a holy day here on the 1st and 2nd of November for All Saints & All Souls)
  • Trick or treating is still similar today as back in the old days. Children went door to door singing versus for food. Nowadays we say 'trick or treat'. This dates back to the Celts but has only really caught on worldwide. A trick would be done by the children if they didn't receive a treat. I am not sure the trick ever really happens now?? 
  • Another tale states that people dressed as dead spirits and went door to door collecting offerings for that soul. It is said that by dressing as the soul you were protecting yourself from the spirit.
Although kind of odd, very intriguing what they got up to back then eh? Sure they'd no tv or internetπŸ˜…

Who came up with star signs and the other myths?

(my star sign)

   Astrology, in its broadest sense, is the search for purpose in the heavens.

  • Astrology was created by humans to find more meaning of life in the sky
  • They used it to understand general & specific human behaviour through the influence of planets
  • Lunar (moon) cycles are noted as far back as 25,000 years ago
  • They started to notice the moons influence on tides and rivers
  • Constellations appear at different times of the year allowing certain star groups to impact flooding or seasonal activities
  • There are 88 constellations but only 12 of those make up the zodiac signs (star signs)
  • Made popular by the Greeks
  • They used pictures in the sky to determine positions to the earth and to easily spot stars. Kind of like we make shapes out of clouds for fun.
That's enough astrology for today 😊

What are the Dublin chimneys? Are the fumes toxic?     

I have always wondered what they're for.
One of Dublin's most iconic landmarks.

  • First tower was built in 1971 followed by it's twin in 1973
  • For any Irish reading this, did you know one tower is taller than the other?πŸ˜‹
  • They are chimneys for a power plant (not as exciting as I hoped!) and they smoke coming from them is actually steam. I was worried it was toxic but as far as I know it is just steam being release from generating electricity

Do dogs get head colds and can we pass them on to animals?

  • No, humans can't give animals a cold
  • Yes dogs do get colds like we do when their immune system is low
  • Signs = runny nose & tiredness
  • Keep them warm and dry
  • Boost with some vitamin c (Did you know dogs make their own vit c internally? πŸ’‘)
  • Ensure they drink water (tricks can be to freezer treats in ice cubes)

That's it for Wonder Wednesday πŸ‘€

Happy Wednesday and Day 1 of a new month πŸ‘Œ Make it a good one!

Elisa xo