Wednesday 22 November 2017

Wonder Wednesday Ep.04

Welcome to Wonder Wednesday, where I take you through some of my thoughts and discoveries over the past few days. It's suppose to be a short and sweet post but sometimes I delve deep into topics 🙈

Is it okay for your dog to swallow food whole?

Dogs have a different disgestive system to humans. They don't need to chew their food into mush before swallowing like us humans because of the acidic stomachs. So it's okay when you see your dog swallow a whole chicken wing after 2 or 3 chomps. I thought about this because Coco eats a raw food diet, and this includes raw bones like duck neck and chicken wings. They are gone so quickly. Also dogs have this disgusting reflex where if they swallow something but don't believe its chewed enough, they can cough it back up, chew some more and then swallow again.
(Apologies if you are eating your breakfast reading this 😂)

Black Tea Scum, whats the story?

If you deal with tea scum in your mug (the floaty digusting bits) it's due to chemicals in the tea along with how hard the water is that you are using. It's not oil! I always have it in my tea at home so I am assuming it's our water which makes me sad 😔 because the tea bag range I use is a good brand. I am going to test it with bottled water and see if it's much different. But can't be using bottled water every time I have a cuppa now can I? Let me know if you have issues with this too!

What happens to your recycling?

When your recycling is collected, it is sorted by HAND or machine or both!! And then sent off to a manufacturer who will make a new product from it! By HAND?! WOW. 

New book find of the week 📚

This is a book that one of my yoga teachers reads from at the end of each class. Its usually a short story to leave you with some food for thought. I love hearing them so I think I will definitely be purchasing. Link below to book depository when it's less than €9! I have no idea what it's like but I am sharing it with you incase that's your thing 😊

That's all for this week. Yoga study has taken over my brain so I guess I haven't been AS curious or noticing it as much this week. Lets see what pops out of my brain next week.

Elisa ☆


  1. Hi, I find that using a water filter jug really reduces the tea 'scum'.

  2. I high appreciate this post. It’s hard to find the good from the bad sometimes, but I think you’ve nailed it! would you mind updating your blog with more information lgals9 elisa
